A Visit to the

Land of Koz

April 25, 200

Zinc Silicate Crystalline Glaze Pottery

A chronicle of my recent progress and a way for me to keep it straight in my head!

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Phil and I went to Alfred University for him to see an Admissions Counselor and take tours of the campus and ceramic engineering department. http://www.puttgarden.com/family/phil/4-25-08/Page.html. Then we took a swing north to visit The Wizard of Koz (Jamie Kozlowski). From Alfred we drove  through beautiful rolling hills and farm country. They were plowing, I guess for corn. Man was it dry (and dusty) for April!

Pulling up we could see they have a real nice setup. Many interconnected geodesic domes make up the place. Check the signs. They have Art, Craft, Science and Magic all going on here at the same time!

Jamie was at the wheel throwing. He had just pugged some clay through their new Bailey pug mill. It was smoking hot. So was the clay. And stiff! But not to worry, Jamie's like an animal on the wheel. No wasted motion, no nothin'. Just get in and get her done!

We met Jamie's dad, Jim. He seems like a great guy. Real nice to talk to. He was throwing honey jars one after another after another after another. His wheel literally never stopped. Plaster batt on, ball of clay on, BAM it looked like a jar, batt of clay off, plaster batt on, ball of clay on, BAM it looked like a jar, batt of clay off, plaster batt on, ball of clay on, BAM it looked like a jar, batt of clay off....etc. The girls there are real nice too. It seems like a real nice place to work. I'm kind of upset that I didn't get to meet Jamie's Mother, Lois. I've spoken with her several times on the phone and she seems as nice as the rest of them. I'm sure she'd point out that that's where they get it from. I mean...she is a MOM!.

Erin Maureen Jill Phil and Jim

They really have some beautiful works there. Well, one less now that I brought the vase next to the roses home. I'd recommend to anyone that they stop there and am looking forward to going back myself real soon.


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Phil Hamling

376 County Route 1

Warwick, NY, USA 10990

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