Molybdenum Glaze Analysis

Zinc Silicate Crystalline Glaze Pottery

A chronicle of my recent progress and a way for me to keep it straight in my head!


Sanders reports this as a cone 4 glaze

I substituted 40.43g red lead for litharge and input the formula into online_glaze_calculator,com

It analyzes it as a cone 05 glaze. It is curious to note that this program shows the 3110 based crystalline glaze I use at ^11 as a ^01 glaze,

Pukall listed a glaze of interest.

In one test the following frit was used:  

     0.367 PbO

   c)0.257 CaO   .   0.300 Al2O3    .   3.570 SiO2

            0.179 K2O                          0.326 B2O3

     0.163 Na2O                         

     0.043 MgO

and batches weight recipes: 


99.52 Feldspar

31.22 Zettlitz Kaolin raw 

135.24 Sand from Hohenbocka 

62.27 Borax, crystallized 

83.77 Red Lead

25.70 Marble Dust

2.86 Magnesite


440.58 parts by weight

I input materials that were listed on  materials

and got this analysis which differs from Pukall's  and lists it as a cone 01 glaze. I believe he wrote fire to seger cone 6.

I tried to more closely match Pukall's unity formula numbers using materials I have and came up with this possibility.
It matches the best chemically but uses water soluble borax and is rated at cone 01



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